Jaco’s Finds-Introduction

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I am Jaco, the philosopher pilot. Welcome, you are listening to the introductory podcast of the show: “Jaco’s Finds”.

Over the last few years, I started to ask myself existential questions, about the meaning of life, especially mine, about human relationships, about religion, about spirituality. And as I did, I became interested in anything that could fuel my thinking. I also paid particular attention to philosophers and important spiritual figures, both past and present, since I recognized that I was not the first in the history of mankind to ponder these same questions. I figured, why not gather inspiration from reflections that came before mine? I also became interested in what remains unexplained to some, and what may seem inexplicable to others. I became intrigued by science, more particularly the science of quantum physics. Along the way, I discovered many books, websites, radio shows and podcasts that dwell on the same questions which were mine. Thus, over time, I have acquired over 300 books as well as about 40 digital videos and DVD films that explore the various facets of my quest which I have yet to read or watch in their entirety. This collection has and still fuels my reflections thus it is highly likely that some of the finds that I will share with you will come from it.

Of course, since this quest is likely to be one without end, there will surely be more “finds” to come. “Jaco’s Finds” can be as simple as giving you a few bits of information I’ve picked up here and there, or sharing with you more in-depth comments on my recent readings and viewings. My “finds” will be inspired by articles from newspapers, magazines, books, video clips and even feature films that I will introduce you to. But they could also simply come from discussions that I could have with other influencers during chance meetings, for example.

In order to pique your curiosity and therefore, acting as my first finds, allow me to share with you two websites that I particularly like and which are full of diverse information, in the hopes that they will provide you with interesting food for thought.

The first is a French-speaking site hosted in France. It is that of the INREES—INstitut de Recherche sur les Expériences ExtraordinaireS, which translates to Institute for Research on Extraordinary Experiences. It brings together experts from the world of science, health, psychology, spirituality and culture, around these very special experiences, otherwise deemed as unexplained, supernatural, paranormal or extraordinary. They encourage us to think about people, life and the world differently. Their website offers members video content under the INRESS-TV section and it also gives access to the digital version of the magazine Inexploré, which is published four times a year, a magazine to which I’ve subscribed in print version for the past eight years. The site also features a rich podcast section worth exploring. It is, of course, preferable to take out a subscription in order to be able to consult all that the site has to offer, although certain extracts of articles, certain extracts of podcasts as well as the trailers of television productions are accessible free of charge. You can consult the INREES website at https://inexplore.inrees.com/, that of their magazine at https://inexplore.inrees.com/magazines and that of their television productions at https://tv.inrees.com/public.

As for the second find I would like to share with you, it’s an English-speaking website hosted in the United States called Gaia. On their “About” page, they address their potential members as such: “Answer life’s deeper questions and go beyond the mainstream narrative with Gaia.” There is extensive video content on a wide variety of topics such as: Expanded Consciousness, Ancient Teachings, Spiritual Growth (including meditation and yoga), Alternative Healing, Personal Development, Secrets & Coverups. There is even a subsection on science and technology that at times attempts to bridge science and spirituality through scientific explanations. One of the series that I particularly like in this regard is that of Gregg Braden called “Missing Links,” which describes itself as follows: “Connect science and spirituality to reveal a new understanding of humanity’s history, the origins of civilization and the power of our heart’s intelligence.” You can visit their website at https://www.gaia.com/.

This gives you somewhat of a preview of what you can expect from “Jaco’s Finds”. I hope that they have aroused your interest! As I am aware that anyone can come up with interesting finds, I invite you all to share your suggestions with me. I look forward to getting inspired by your own discoveries.

With that in mind, happy digging! I look forward to your finds as much as I do to sharing mine.

In closing, I would like to mention that, for those who are interested, this podcast is also produced in French. To access it, simply go to the website https://lepilotephilosophe.com. Otherwise, I invite you to visit the philosopher pilot site at https://thephilosopherpilot.com and discover the three distinct podcast shows as well as the blog section there. You may also want to subscribe to my newsletter to be informed about new podcasts or publications. Finally, if you like my writing and my podcasts, let those around you know by sharing them. It would be greatly appreciated. Till next time for another Philosopher Pilot podcast!

Music by Infraction on Bandcamp
Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

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